YOLACT リアルタイムインスタンスセグメンテーション


■Instance Segmentation

“Instance segmentation is the task of detecting and delineating each distinct object of interest appearing in an image”source

➔ Sub-task of:

  • “Object Detection”
  • “Semantic Segmentation”

➔Improvements in baselines (R-CNN, FCN) for the “parent” tasks do not automatically apply to the “daughter” task

➔ Typically combines:

  • detection of boxes for all objects
  • segmentation of pixels


➔ Based on the Mask R-CNN model:

  • Approach is “detect” and THEN “segment”: two-steps
  • A Region-based CNN (Faster R-CNN)
    outputs class labels and bounding-box offset for each candidate
    • Start with a Region Proposal Network (RPN)
    • Extract features from RoI and predict class and bbox
  • Additionally adds a branch to output the pixel mask of the object
    • Uses Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) sharing weights and maintaining spatial correspondence
    • Needs alignment between pixels and feature maps (RoIAlign)

➔ Based on the YOLACT model:

  • Approach is single-step, like anchor-free object detection (e.g. CenterNet) (but still has anchors)
  • Uses a “global mask” instead of separate masks for instances: no loss of quality due to reduced resolution
  • Performs 2 parallel tasks:
    • Generate prototype “global” masks (entire image)
    • Predict linear combination of coefficients for each instance (hence the name: You Only Look At CoefficienTs)
  • Instance masks are constructed by combining prototypes with the learned coefficients in an assembly step (crop to bbox)
  • Computation cost is constant with #instance

YOLACT (and YOLACT++) are similar to:

  1. BlendMask (CVPR20) uses attention maps instead of coefficients
  2. CenterMask (CVPR20) based on anchor-free Obj. Detection
  3. CondInst removes dependency on bbox in assembly step
  4. SOLO and SOLOv2 entirely bbox free: predicts instance category directly pixel by pixel

Exceptional resources on the open-source instance-segmentation toolbox from Adelaide University (on top of detectron2): AdelaiDet

Mask accuracy details

■Real-time instance segmentation

■More Real-Time instance segmentation

