Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation in 3DGraph-Structured Point Clouds of Wild Scenes




  • Point clouds
  • Task: semantic segmentation of point clouds
  • Idea: weakly supervised learning with 2D projected image
  • Note: Projection of 3D pointcloud onto 2D image


  • Model architecture
  • Perspective rendering


  • Datasets
  • Metrics
  • Comparison with other fully-supervised methods
  • Inference samples for SUNCG dataset
  • Inference samples for S3DIS dataset


■Point clouds

■Task: semantic segmentation of point clouds

■Idea: weakly supervised learning with 2D projected image

■Note: Projection of 3D pointcloud onto 2D image

■Model architecture

■Perspective rendering



■Comparison with other fully-supervised methods

■Inference samples for SUNCG dataset

■Inference samples for S3DIS dataset



Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation in 3DGraph-Structured Point Clouds of Wild Scenes.pdf